23 Jan
The new season kicks off in Mount Pleasant/Michigan at the beautiful Soaring Eagle Resort. It is time again for the 2012 WPBA Masters, a tournament that I was able to win last year. From the 26th until the 29th of January, 48 of the best women players will compete for the Masters title. Since I didn´t play at the last event in Lincoln City, I will be seeded as the Nr.3 in this tournament. On Wednesday the 25th we will have a Pro/Am Charity night at the venue.
“2011 was a tough year for me but looking back, the WPBA Masters was one of the best moments. Of course I want to defend my title but right now I am just looking forward to the first match.”

Jasmin on the big screen
Day 1
My first match will be today (Thursday 27th) at 8 pm against either Barbara Lee or Laura Smith both from the USA. You can follow my results through my Live Report on the website or through Twitter (JOuschanLive).
Match 1 (Jasmin Ouschan vs. Laura Smith 9:6)
The first match against Laura Smith was not all satisfying for me. The beginning was okay but after a few mistakes I was a little off which allowed Smith to come back. Finally at 8:6 for me I was able to finish it. I was not playing on the top of my game but it was the first match so I am okay with it.
Match 2 (Jasmin Ouschan vs. Nicole Keeney 9:6)
My second match was better than my first one but I was still not playing on the top of my game. I was in control of the match but there were many mistakes and that made the match run long. But in the end I won with a 9:6 score.
Match 3 (Jasmin Ouschan vs. Kelly Fisher 9:8)
The match against Kelly Fisher was definitely a drama. I started great and took a rapid 6:2 lead but then I switched myself off somehow and Fisher came back strong. She then took a 6:8 lead but the match turned around again and I was making the important balls. At 8:8 we were both missing but I managed to be the last woman standing. I won 9:8!

Jasmin focused
Match 4 (Jasmin Ouschan vs. Allison Fisher 7:9)
After a little break I had to play ” the duchess of doom” Allison Fisher. The match went back and forth until I missed some horrible balls in the end. Even though I lost this match 7:9 I still consider it as my best match at this event.
Match 5 (Jasmin Ouschan vs. Eva Laurance 6:9)
Since we were playing double knock out system, I had antoher chance to get a spot for the semi final. I faced Eva Laurance, a veteran on this tour. She had some good matches before that and I knew that this might be a tough match. The match started bad for me and Laurance was up 5:1 in a short time. But then I started my engine again and came back to 6:5 for me. Unfortunately I had no energy left in me and Eva played well and used her chances. I had to accept a tough 6:9 defeat.
But congrats to Eva Laurance who won the event later!!!
Read more https://en.jasmin-ouschan.com/2012/01/23/wpba-masters-2012/