GB9 are pleased to announce details of the 2015 season, in doing so we have taken on-board feedback from a number of players who have taken the time to write or talk to us, weighed up with what is achievable and workable. We are pleased to announce the following highlights:
- Tour will be limited to 96 members – 16 Pro’s plus 80 Challenge players. Reserves will only be allowed to play if a member cannot attend an event
- All five events will be held at the Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, Telford, UK
- The main event will be double elimination to the last 16 then straight knockout
- The Pro event will remain as a 16 player field playing double elimination to the last 8 then straight knockout. If you wish to be considered for the Pro division please indicate this on your application form
- We will retain the two-tier Challenge division which has proved popular with the lower ability players
- If there are fewer than 64 Challenge players at an event all players will play in a single Challenge event
- ALL players will accrue ranking points, not just GB9 members. This means that anybody playing GB9 events in 2015 will have an official UK ranking
- Hotel costs have been reduced to just £36 per person per night when sharing and the single room supplement has been slashed by £10 to just £55 per night. This is amazing value for a 4* hotel including breakfast and use of all the hotel facilities
- Introduction of a Calcutta auction at all events, subject to a successful trial at the 2014 British Grand Prix event in November
- Vacant tables at the latter stages of the main event on Saturday afternoons will be used to host side events (extra entry fees will be payable), the type of event will be varied at each event i.e Scotch doubles, team events, 8-ball, Straight pool etc.
- Introduction of a high entry fee showcase ring game on Friday evening of each event (subject to interest)
All events will be held at the superb Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, Telford. The confirmed dates for all events are available on the event schedule page of our website.
So that we can judge interest, the closing date for applications is 30 NOVEMBER 2014 so don’t delay and get your application form in NOW and pay your £50 deposit to secure your spot.
The following prize money will be on offer at each tour stop (subject to a 96 player field):
Main Event
- Winner: £1,200
- Runner-up: £600
- 3rd: £325
- 5th: £150
- 9th: £100
Pro Event
- Winner: £1,000
- Runner-up: £500
- 3rd: £250
- 5th: £150
Challenge Event – Tier 1
- Winner: £500
- Runner-up: £250
- 3rd: £150
- 5th: £75
Challenge Event – Tier 2
- Winner: £350
- Runner-up: £175
- 3rd: £100
- 5th: £50
Total Prize money per Event: £8,725
Annual membership will be priced at £450 Challenge and £900 Pro. This includes entry to either Main and Challenge or Main or Pro at all five tour events for the season. You can choose to pay the annual fee up front or in the following minimum instalments – You can pay extra amounts at any time if you wish to pay off your account earlier:
Challenge Division
- Deposit by 30 November: £50
- At Event 1: £150
- At Event 2: £150
- At Event 3: £100
Pro Division
- Deposit by 30 November: £50
- At Event 1: £300
- At Event 2: £300
- At Event 3: £250
Entries for single events are welcome (subject to a space being available), and will be priced at £100 challenge and £190 Pro.
Ladies, Juniors (14-18) and Wheelchair Players can play all five events for just £350. Further details on this is available on the member fees page of our website.

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