WPBL Brings up Allegations of Fraud
The WPBL has made a release stating that their contractor in Las Vegas allegedly committed fraud. Below is the release sent out from the WPBL.
Press Release

The WPBL has made a release stating that their contractor in Las Vegas allegedly committed fraud. Below is the release sent out from the WPBL.
Over the past few months the World Professional Billiard League has experienced several setbacks arising from construction delays and the acquisition of city permits. Both the WPBL staff and its players have tried their best to remain patient and understanding, regardless of obvious frustrations and unease.
With only two weeks away from completion of the TV arena, we sensed something was awry and hired an investigator. Unfortunately the results were not pleasant. As it turns out, the construction crew had their business license revoked shortly after being contracted, yet opted not to disclose this information. Their license was revoked due to fraud. Without that license they were working at the WPBL studio illegally, and unable to secure the necessary permits. The past three months of delays were intentional on their part, in attempt to stall until they could somehow secure a permit. All money paid to the construction crew for permits was pocketed, and talk of successfully acquired permits was entirely false.
Due to fraud and numerous illegal activities, the construction crew has now been fired, and will face pending legal action from the WPBL, as well as the state of Nevada. The proper permits are now being acquired through a qualified city official, and a new contractor is being sought to finish construction. More information should be known to us later this week, such as the status of the venue permits, and the duration of any additional delays.
We realize this is an inconvenience to all WPBL players and fans. Lies were told, fraud was committed, and tens of thousands of dollars were paid for permits that were not acquired. As such, the WPBL staff bears this burden with significant weight, both in terms of finances, embarrassment, and disappointment.
The WPBL players continue to remain patient, understanding, and show their support during this time. We ask that our fans please try to follow suit. This venture has seen its share of setbacks, but we will persevere and continue to push forward. We are confident that upon launch, the WPBL will exceed all expectations and will be a positive step forward for the billiards industry as a whole.
Thank you,
Larry Chiborak
President and CEO,
World Professional Billiard League
Media Contact:
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