McDermott Cue is proud to announce that ‘Team McDermott’ took first place in the 2012 BCAPL National Championships mixed open team event in Las Vegas. (pictured from left to right) Kyle Boers, Ron Crom, Ricardo ‘Rico’ Torres, Victor Martinez, Richard Rocha and McDermott representative Jayme Cernicka.
LAS VEGAS – McDermott Cue is proud to announce that ‘Team McDermott’ took first place in the 2012 BCAPL National Championships mixed open team event in Las Vegas. They were victorious in a field of 617 other teams. After losing a match late Friday, they resumed play on Saturday and eventually beat the same team twice in a row for the championship.
McDermott Cue representative Jayme Cernicka was on site to cheer on the local team from Wisconsin. “The final matches were extremely exciting and provided a great show for all the spectators. We are honored that McDermott cues were used by all of the championship team members.”
McDermott Cue is headquartered in Menomonee Falls, WI and markets under the brands of McDermott Cue, Star Cue, Lucky Cue, Element Cue, Wildfire, Pool Prodigy, Intimidator Shafts, G-Core Shafts, Big Boy Shafts, Sledgehammer Break Cue, Stinger Break/Jump cues and Elephant Balls.
For more information about this press release contact Marketing Director, Derek Blaguski at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1-800-666-2283. More information can be found at www.mcdermottcue.com.