November 2012 Issue of Billiards Magazine Released for Free
Billiard Magazine Available for Free
Michael Stuhlbarg and Vincent Piazza of Boardwalk Empire
Inside POOL Magazine is pleased to announce that it has released the November 2012 online issue. The November 2012 online issue of Inside POOL Magazine, featuring Michael Stuhlbarg and Vincent Piazza of Boardwalk Empire on the front cover, has been released at Also read news from the top billiards events from around the world, pool lessons from top instructors, and tons of great new technology in online billiard magazine viewing such as enhanced clarity, Bonus Content, loads of full-screen videos of professional matches, links to favorite web sites, flipping pages, zooming, emailing, sharing, and printing.

November 2012 Inside POOL Magazine features Vincent Piazza and Michael Stuhlbarg of Boardwalk Empire on the cover. Find out how professional player Tony Robles gave lessons to the actors in order to portray the real life people authentically. Orcollo and Fisher capture China Open titles. Skowerski brings home the World Pool Masters title for Poland.
November 2012 Inside POOL Magazine features Vincent Piazza and Michael Stuhlbarg of Boardwalk Empire on the cover. Find out how professional player Tony Robles gave lessons to the actors in order to portray the real life people authentically. Orcollo and Fisher capture China Open titles. Skowerski brings home the World Pool Masters title for Poland. Tom Simpson “Reals it in” this month and Bob Henning teaches us to clip it and run three rails. Find the perfect holiday gift for the pool player in your life with InsidePOOL‘s holiday buying guide. Find out how pool players helped to fight cancer. Of course, get the latest regional news from the sport of pool and billiards.
The issue is the free, complete issue of the November 2012 Inside POOL Magazine print edition.
View November 2012 online issue.
Inside POOL Magazine publishes both print and online versions of each issue. Enjoy the free issue of November 2012 Inside POOL Magazine.
About Inside POOL Magazine
Inside POOL Magazine launched in 2001 and, with pool player-based content and high impact photography, quickly became the largest magazine in the world for the sport of billiards. The official web site,, followed shortly after and became one of the largest web sites in billiards. The web site features videos, image galleries, pool lessons, custom pool cue makers, online games, player profiles, tournament brackets, live streaming video, rules, product reviews, and the latest billiard news from around the world.