The PROPOOL.com 24>7G Challenge system is an amazing new online pool tournament management program and innovative competition system for all players, promoters and venues.
Monster Break Billiards is now part of the PROPOOL.com 24>7G Challenge Event Promotions Team. They will be providing prizes for upcoming tournaments. The first series is the FREE 8-Ball Challenge. To start the program in your area Players or Venues must request an event to be posted at the propool.com Event Center marquee. Then, players can start playing and earning points, accumulating stats and getting instantly ranked on the Leader Boards.
Purpose – For people to be able to play pool whenever they want in their skill level. The mission possible is to o fortify the social players and create friendly competition with others and yourself.
Vision – To be able to play in tournaments Fair, G rated playing, grouped in your level, faster, more fun tournaments and options for playing.
Accomplishments – created a massive statistics database, a whole new competition format and a video production process that promotes the events and advertises itself.
Reliability – Every dollar that is up for grabs is displayed to the right of the screen. Click on that to show the payouts and prizes.
Motivated Leadership – I am committed to constantly improving and listening to the players and creating new programs events for what they want.